Sunday, April 3, 2011

I hope this isn't a problem

Well, damn.

A few days ago, I ran into a problem. I have an impacted wisdom tooth. And I am severely underselling it when I say it fucking hurts like a sonofabitch. I'm on a round of antibiotics right now, and it's slowly but surely helping, but I'm also getting it extracted next week.

I was sitting outside tonight and i suddenly got worried that this may impede the donation process. I'm going to call the clinic tomorrow to ask them about it, because I can also feel my period creeping up on me, and the third day of my period is when I have to go get my fertility tested. Since I know nothing about medical shit, I'm kind of worried that I'll have to wait another month before getting fully listed in the donation program.

Since I have been in an overwhelming amount of pain, I didn't get to write about my first experience in the clinic.

I was really pleased when I went to the clinic to fill out all of my paperwork. It's REALLY nice. I wasn't expecting a slovenly hell hole by any means, but I wasn't expecting it to  be as beautiful and expansive as it was.

So, here's the play by play for my first consult with the clinic.

I had a bit of a personality interview with one of the donor nurses, who is now my personal donor nurse. She was super friendly, and she made me feel really comfortable. We went into one of the doctor's offices, and she explained the process to me in great detail. I stopped her to ask appropriate questions, and she told me she was impressed with my (self-admittedly limited knowledge) of the possible dangers of the process. We spoke about OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) and how it's incredibly rare, but how they also very closely monitor you to ensure that it doesn't become an issue. I asked her how many of the current donors get chosen, because I like to deal with things in percentages, and she told me that 1. I was very likely to be chosen because I'm good looking with a solid, healthy family history and 2, that the few girls who hadn't been chosen had more than likely gone unclaimed because they were kind of overweight (as a sidenote, I tried to explain this to my father and he told me that looks shouldn't enter into the equation, and egg is an egg and it's more than these women had at their disposal before hand so they should just be grateful that some fat girl is willing to part with her eggs. I told him that while his insensitive thought is at it's core completely correct, when it comes down to it, these women are paying for their baby, and nobody wants to drop money at the prospect of an ugly child). She thinks I'll  be snatched up as a donor fairly quickly.

I filled out quite a bit of paperwork, mostly relating to my family's health history as opposed to mine. We went over the actual egg retrieval procedure, and all of the no-no's that come with egg donation. My least favorite was no new sex partners. Looks like that interracial gang bang fantasy I've been wanting to fulfill will have to be put on hold for awhile longer. Shucks.

I filled out a fun little personality survey, as well. Kind of like those surveys you'd do on facebook when you're unbelievably bored at work. She said a lot of the recipients like to know a bit about the people they're getting eggs from, aside from the how old the people in their families are when they die bits. I won't lie, I was really tempted to fill all of the answers out with things I've enjoyed that make me sound amazingly intellectual. But in the end, I just went with who I actually am.

They assigned me an ID number to go by whenever I call the clinic. I didn't know that I wouldn't be allowed to refer to myself as myself. When I call in, I give them my number instead of my name. When I sign in to the clinic, I sign in with my number instead of my name. I truly am as anonymous as I can be.

They gave me the name of their clinic shrink, because I do have to go through a therapy session before they completely put me on the donor list. That appointment is on April 22nd. And that was about it. Basically, it was like any job interview, but there was no pressure and I felt completely confident.

Now, I just have to wait until I get my period to call them so I can go in and get my fertility tested. One of the positives for me is that my profile gets a little note on it that says I'm already proven as quite fertile, sine I've had so many pregnancies. It's totally true, my uterus just likes to carry shit around.

Like I said earlier, I can feel my period coming on. So hopefully in the next few days, I'll be posting about getting my fertility tested and how all of that went.

Until then, I'm off to nurse my swollen fucking face.

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